Monday, December 27, 2010

Week 4, Christmas in the MTC

Merry Christmas! How is everyone doing? I missed everyone this Christmas and hope you had a good one! thanks for all the love and support you show me each day, and your prayers i can feel them blessing my life so i just want to say thanks.Christmas was so good here, everyone here was way happy and it was way fun! Christmas day started out where we went and watched a talent show for two and a half hours man people really have talent here its was awesome, then we went and had Christmas dinner then had the opportunity to hear from Elder Russell M. Nelson and his wife they both gave way good talks.The spirit was way strong when they spoke it was so cool to be in the presence of a man called by God. Wow that man is very intelligent man he is a very smart man, he went way deep into the doctrine it was crazy to all think about everything he said and put it into perspective. There is no doubt that this church is true it all makes sense, and the spirit i have felt here is indescribable its so sweet. This week i have felt like my Spanish is improving a lot its so cool how i can understand so much now, its just trying to think about what they said then answer and talk back to them in Spanish. Me and my companions only have this last week of teaching the lessons in English in whats called the TRC after this week its all Spanish. Cant wait haha. I am having so much fun here we try to have fun when it is right, we always sing around here its so sweet! Oh ya also we had the privilege this morning to go and clean the Provo temple for 3 hours today it was a good experience, to go and clean the lords house for him. It was crazy how detailed we were we cleaned out lockers we used lots of toothpicks and quetips its pretty nuts. But all around a good opportunity. Well hopefully has a good week be safe and stay out of trouble. yo se que la iglesia es verdad, y jose smith fue un profeta. yo se que Thomas S. Monson es a viveinto profeta hoy, y jose smith tradouce el libro de mormon. Yo se que el libro de mormon es verdadero y la palabra de dios. Amen. Well i ran out of time so sorry about the short testimony. LOVE YOU ALLL!!!!!!!
So how bout them cougs, i heard the future looks bright that's a good thing, one of our district presidents gives me updates on everything each week, and also my dad sends me updates gotta love it. I can see the cougs on the rise and the Utes on the fall. We have two Ute fans in our zone and all of our district presidency are all byu fans so these talk about it its sweet. Also my basketball skills are on the rise got to get prepared to play with the homies in the ghetto of Philly.

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