Monday, February 28, 2011

Full month!!!

Hey everyone!!

Well it has been a full month since i have been out in the field! Crazy huh? It was going by fast till this last week. Man this last week was sooo miserable! Me and my companion were both pretty sick. We finally went to the doctors last Wednesday i believe not sure but we were both just like we got to take care of this. We went in thinking i just had a cough and the sore throat was just because of the cough... but i ended up having strep throat so the doctor gave me an antibiotic now today I am feeling much better, probably too because i didn't have to eat really nearly as much but i did loose some weight I'm back down to 145 so ya and the cough is almost gone, we finally went out and taught last night which was good and it was a good lesson too. I will talk about that later in the Email.
Well like I said there is not much to talk about because i basically sat inside all week. But i had kind of a rough week just because i had a lot of time to think about things. I became kind of homesick and this may sound pretty lame but wanted to be home to watch Jimmer because this is the best season in any sport in my lifetime and it just has to happen when i can't see or watch anything oh well. Sounds like they are tearing it up though! But i just need to focus and in times like that just turn to the lord. But its all good! And the whole Deron Williams thing heard that was a bad situation but oh well! looks like no more playing golf with him again haha!
But man i cant wait to hear where a lot of my friends are going! Its so crazy that I remember how nervous i was to get my call and to just see them in my shoes what was it like 7 months ago WOW time flies seems like yesterday. Its crazy to think once they all leave and get out into the field i will have like 7-8 months out in the field. If anyone sees any of them tell them they need to write me, I haven't heard from anyone at all at least my guy friends. But ya it will be cool when Chase gets out here he will love it here it's awesome.
But last night we did finally get to teach a lesson we taught this guy named Nelson he is Dominican and we contacted him on the street 2 weeks ago. But when we first got there, there were a ton of people and it was pretty loud. But there was this older lady there named Mabel and she was like everyone be quiet and come in here and listen to the words of god. haha we then began to teach we were there for like an hour. I still can't butt in at any moment and throw comments, i just don't have the vocab, but i did teach the way we pray and stuff, I related it to a hamburger it is a good analogy. But it went way good the Lady was so into it and like just really got everything Nelson kind of struggled and was slow but realized and felt the message. We asked them if they would follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized. They both said yes. We gave the lady the date of April 10th and Nelson we don't know because he is going back to the Dominican Republic to get married which is good. But ya we will see what happens so that was a good experience.
Well that's all i have to say just remember "The Book Of Mormon is so True its Blue." haha we got all the little kids saying that here its funny.
But Love you all be good!! GO cougs!!

Elder Taylor Smart

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